Other names include, Crocodile/Alligator Quartz, Jacare Quartz, Fenster, Skeletal Quartz
Identified by natural terminations covering the body and faces of an etched/layered crystal
Powerful healers, detoxifiers, and activators
Assists in overcoming emotional burdens, and releasing toxic negative entities, beliefs, habits and thoughts
Activates higher consciousness and self-actualization and aligning with spirit realms, integrating cosmic knowledge
Elestial etchings are stored light codes, cosmic light language and information from higher dimensions
Access past lives, and ancestral lines, ancient origins, and cosmic connections, helping to understand your spiritual path and purpose
Unlock and access the information stored within the etchings and terminations and download this information into consciousness, receiving cosmic spiritual upgrades as the information raises your vibration and activates your highest self
These crystals are tools for remembering and awakening to our mission to further advance the human consciousness and raise our vibrational frequency as a planet
Starseeds and Lightworkers are drawn to Elestial crystals to help them remember their mission here on Earth in this timeline
Smoky Quartz
Grounding and balancing
Connecting spiritual energy to physical, assisting in raising your vibration
Protection from outside negative influences
Transmutes negative energy
Self-preservation, releasing what is not serving you, letting go of past